Expsample ID | True | The experiment sample identifier must be stored in ImmPort or in the experimentsamples.txt template. |
Population Name Reported | True | The drop down list provides a list of cell population names. Please select a name if it matches your cell population name or enter a population name if there is not an appropriate one provided. The population name has a limit of 150 characters. This column can also have the format: "lineage_prefix ; population name", "population_name&modifiers", or "lineage_prefix ; population_name&modifiers". Also, if the Population Name Reported does not occur in the drop down, it will be tested against the lk_cell_population_pref_map to determine a preferred name. |
Gating Definition Reported | True | he gating definition is the set of markers and their expression profile that describes a cell population name. Please select a gating definition from the drop down list if it matches your gating definition or enter a gating definition if there is not an appropriate one provided. The marker names should conform to standard names as described in the LK_ANALYTE table. Note that a comma, forward slash or pipe may be used as marker delimiter. The expression values are '-', '+', '+-', '+~', '++', or ''. The gating definition has a limit of 150 characters. |
Parent Population Reported | False | The drop down provides the base parent population. Please select a name if it matches your base parent population name or enter a name if there is not an appropriate one provided. This column can also have the format: "lineage_prefix ; population name", "population_name&modifiers", or "lineage_prefix ; population_name&modifiers". Also, if the Parent Population Reported does not occur in the drop down, it will be tested against the lk_cell_population_pref_map to determine a preferred name. |
Population Statistic (count, percentile, etc) | True | The count of the cell type defined by the marker gating definition. |
Population Stat Unit Reported | True | The unit used to describe the cell count. Please select a unit from the drop down list if the definition matches your unit name or enter a unit if there is not an appropriate one provided. |
Workspace File | True | An XML formatted export of the analysis program is expected (e.g. an xml format of a FlowJo .jo or .wsp file). The file size name limit is 240 characters. |
Comments | False | Comments captures additional descriptive information. |