Name | HLA_Typing.txt |
Type | multiple |
Schema Version | 3.36 |
Description | The HLA experiment sample template defines and annotates the assay results for a sample by linking sample, experiment, and results together. |
Template Column | Required | Description |
Expsample ID | True | The experiment sample identifier must be stored in ImmPort or in the experimentsamples.txt template. |
Ancestral Population | True | ImmPort recommends using population names as defined by the http://www.allelefrequencies.net site. |
HLA-A Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-A Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-B Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-B Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-C Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-C Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DPA1 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DPA1 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DPB1 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DPB1 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DQA1 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DQA1 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DQB1 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DQB1 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DRB1 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DRB1 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DRB3 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DRB3 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DRB4 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DRB4 Allele 2 | False | |
HLA-DRB5 Allele 1 | False | |
HLA-DRB5 Allele 2 | False | |
Comments | False | Comments captures additional descriptive information. |