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DR12 DataRelease

Release Date: 02/01/2015

SDY74: Systems Biology Approach to Analysis of 2010-11 TIV Fluzone Influenza Vaccine Response in Healthy Individuals (see companion studies SDY301, SDY296)
Status: New
Description: This study will measure the immune response to the influenza vaccine The long-term goal is to develop improved vaccines to infectious diseases such as influenza. Blood will be collected from patients at several visits before and after vaccination. The blood will be used in a series of immunological tests to measure the strength and breadth of immune response. These assays may include T cell and B cell activation assays, microarray testing, Epimax, Epigen, and flow cytometry.
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Systems Analysis Vaccine Responses in Healthy and Hyporesponsive Humans
DOI: 10.21430/M3EJ72RVRG
Subjects: 12
Study PI, contact:
A. Karolina Palucka Baylor Research Institute Baylor Research Institute
Induction of ICOS+CXCR3+CXCR5+ TH cells correlates with antibody responses to influenza vaccination.. Sci Transl Med. Mar 2013. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3005191. [Pubmed: 23486778]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
DNA microarray 60
Flow Cytometry 459
Clinical Assessments:
SDY111: VZV vaccination in the elderly
Status: New
Description: Healthy adults (50+ years old) with history of varicella but no history of zoster are vaccinated with Zostavax. Blood and serum are taken prior to vaccination and at several points after. A systems biology approach will be used to identify age-related decreases in immune function and potential predictors and correlates of protection.
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Vaccination and infection: indicators of immunological health and responsiveness
DOI: 10.21430/M3ODYABDL2
Subjects: 48
Study PI, contact:
Jorg Goronzy Stanford Stanford
B-cell repertoire responses to varicella-zoster vaccination in human identical twins.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jan 2015. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1415875112. Epub 2014 Dec 22. [Pubmed: 25535378]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
DNA microarray 20
HLA Typing 10
Luminex xMAP 168
Clinical Assessments:None
SDY144: Systems Biology Approach to Study Influenza Vaccine 2011-12 in Healthy Children (see companion studies SDY364, SDY368, SDY387)
Status: New
Description: The treatment of pediatric immune system dysfunctions depends upon the basic understanding of its molecular and cellular components, as well as the inherent relationships between these components. Specifically, such knowledge requires an appreciation of B-Iymphocytes, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells and dendritic cells. Research investigating these cells and their functions necessitates the availability and acquisition of peripheral blood samples from healthy children to form control data groups against which various experimental conditions can be measured. Volunteers will be asked to donate blood samples to be used to further study the circulating dendritic cell subpopulations and establish their normal ranges. Blood samples will also be used to isolate antigen specific T lymphocytes, serve as a monocyte source and establish gene signatures.

The assay results from SDY144's EXP13603, EXP11769, and EXP13604 are the same as for this study. The difference is how the floe cytometry results were analyzed in this study versus SDY144.
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Systems Analysis Vaccine Responses in Healthy and Hyporesponsive Humans
DOI: 10.21430/M3ANETOJEC
Subjects: 17
Study PI, contact:
Octavio Ramilo Nationwide Children's Hospital Nationwide Children's Hospital
Differences in antibody responses between trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine and live attenuated influenza vaccine correlate with the kinetics and magnitude of interferon signaling in children.. J Infect Dis. Jul 2014. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiu079. Epub 2014 Feb 4. [Pubmed: 24495909]
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
DNA microarray 64
Flow Cytometry 486
Hemagglutination Inhibition 32
Virus Neutralization 96
Clinical Assessments:
Medical History
Vaccination History
Vital Signs
SDY183: Effect of age on 2008/2009 trivalent influenza vaccine response
Status: New
Description: To comprehensively compare the humoral immune response of young (20-31 years old) to older human subjects (60 to >90 years old) following vaccination with seasonal flu vaccine. We generated a peptide microarray featuring tiled peptides with sequences derived from the hemagglutinin proteins of multiple influenza strains. We probed the microarrays with pre- and post-vaccination serum from each age group. Serum antibody reactivity to the microarray peptides was quantified using fluorescently labeled anti-human secondary antibodies and a fluorescent microarray scanner.
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Vaccination and infection: indicators of immunological health and responsiveness
DOI: 10.21430/M37TU3LVTU
Subjects: 76
Study PI, contact:
PJ Utz Stanford University Stanford
Apoptosis and other immune biomarkers predict influenza vaccine responsiveness.. Mol Syst Biol. Apr 2013. doi: 10.1038/msb.2013.15. [Pubmed: 23591775]
Characterization of influenza vaccine immunogenicity using influenza antigen microarrays.. PLoS One. May 2013. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064555. Print 2013. [Pubmed: 23734205]
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)]
Immune Epitope Database (IEDB)]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
Protein microarray 152
Clinical Assessments:None
SDY202: Heterovariant cross-reactive B-cell responses induced by the 2009 pandemic influenza virus A subtype H1N1 vaccine
Status: New
Description: To study the plasmablast response to monovalent inactivated 2009 pandemic pH1N1 vaccine
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Vaccination and infection: indicators of immunological health and responsiveness
DOI: 10.21430/M3LS2SRM8M
Subjects: 79
Study PI, contact:
Harry Greenberg Stanford University Stanford University
Heterovariant cross-reactive B-cell responses induced by the 2009 pandemic influenza virus A subtype H1N1 vaccine.. J Infect Dis. Jan 2013. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jis664. Epub 2012 Oct 29. [Pubmed: 23107783]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
Flow Cytometry 1225
Hemagglutination Inhibition 116
Luminex xMAP 501
Clinical Assessments:None
SDY363: Key Role of T cell Defects in Age-Related Vulnerability to West Nile Virus
Status: New
Description: In a mouse model of age-related vulnerability to WNV, we demonstrate that death correlates with increased viral titers in the brain and that this loss of virus control with age was the result of defects in the CD4 and CD8 T cell response against WNV. Specific age-related defects in T cell responses against dominant WNV epitopes were detected at the level of cytokine and lytic granule production, each of which are essential for resistance against WNV, and in the ability to generate multifunctional anti-WNV effector T cells, which are believed to be critical for robust antiviral immunity. In contrast, at the peak of the response, old and adult T cells exhibited superimposable peptide sensitivity. Most importantly, although the adult CD4 or CD8 T cells readily protected immunodeficient mice upon adoptive transfer, old T cells of either subset were unable to provide WNV-specific protection. Consistent with a profound qualitative and quantitative defect in T cell immunity, old brains contained at least 12x fewer total effector CD8 T cells compared with adult mice at the peak of brain infection. These findings identify potential targets for immunomodulation and treatment to combat lethal WNV infection in the elderly
Protective Immunity in Special Populations Immunological basis of age-related vulnerability in biodefense and emerging infections SP2 UAz
DOI: 10.21430/M3ESFSL9VA
Subjects: 0
Study PI, contact:
Janko Nikolich-Zugich University of Arizona University of Arizona
Key role of T cell defects in age-related vulnerability to West Nile virus.. J Exp Med. Nov 2009. doi: 10.1084/jem.20090222. Epub 2009 Nov 9. [Pubmed: 19901080]
Department of Immunobiology, University of Arizona]
Immune Epitope Database (IEDB)]
Clinical Assessments:None
SDY387: Systems Biology Approach to Study Influenza Vaccine 2010-11 in Healthy Children (see companion studies SDY144, SDY368, SDY387)
Status: New
Description: The treatment of pediatric immune system dysfunctions depends upon the basic understanding of its molecular and cellular components, as well as the inherent relationships between these components. Specifically, such knowledge requires an appreciation of B-Iymphocytes, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells and dendritic cells. Research investigating these cells and their functions necessitates the availability and acquisition of peripheral blood samples from healthy children to form control data groups against which various experimental conditions can be measured. Volunteers will be asked to donate blood samples to be used to further study the circulating dendritic cell subpopulations and establish their normal ranges. Blood samples will also be used to isolate antigen specific T lymphocytes, serve as a monocyte source and establish gene signatures.
Human Immunology Project Consortium 1 (HIPC1) Systems Analysis Vaccine Responses in Healthy and Hyporesponsive Humans
DOI: 10.21430/M34N2JOQQM
Subjects: 22
Study PI, contact:
Octavio Ramilo Nationwide Children's Hospital Nationwide Children's Hospital
Induction of ICOS+CXCR3+CXCR5+ TH cells correlates with antibody responses to influenza vaccination.. Sci Transl Med. Mar 2013. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3005191. [Pubmed: 23486778]
Assay TypeNumber of Exp. Samples
DNA microarray 80
Flow Cytometry 195
Hemagglutination Inhibition 40
Virus Neutralization 120
Clinical Assessments:
Medical History
Vaccination History
Vital Signs