
Name CyTOF_Derived_data.txt
Type multiple
Schema Version 3.36
Description The CYTOF derived data template captures and annotates the assay results for a sample by linking sample, experiment, and interpreted results together.
Template ColumnRequiredDescription
Expsample ID True The experiment sample identifier must be stored in ImmPort or in the experimentsamples.txt template.
Population Name Reported True The drop down list provides a list of cell population names. Please select a name if it matches your cell population name or enter a population name if there is not an appropriate one provided. The population name has a limit of 150 characters. This column can also have the format: "lineage_prefix ; population name", "population_name&modifiers", or "lineage_prefix ; population_name&modifiers". Also, if the Population Name Reported does not occur in the drop down, it will be tested against the lk_cell_population_pref_map to determine a preferred name.
Gating Definition Reported True he gating definition is the set of markers and their expression profile that describes a cell population name. Please select a gating definition from the drop down list if it matches your gating definition or enter a gating definition if there is not an appropriate one provided. The marker names should conform to standard names as described in the LK_ANALYTE table. Note that a comma, forward slash or pipe may be used as marker delimiter. The expression values are '-', '+', '+-', '+~', '++', or ''. The gating definition has a limit of 150 characters.
Parent Population Reported False The drop down provides the base parent population. Please select a name if it matches your base parent population name or enter a name if there is not an appropriate one provided. This column can also have the format: "lineage_prefix ; population name", "population_name&modifiers", or "lineage_prefix ; population_name&modifiers". Also, if the Parent Population Reported does not occur in the drop down, it will be tested against the lk_cell_population_pref_map to determine a preferred name.
Population Statistic (count, percentile, etc) True The count of the cell type defined by the marker gating definition.
Population Stat Unit Reported True The unit used to describe the cell count. Please select a unit from the drop down list if the definition matches your unit name or enter a unit if there is not an appropriate one provided.
Workspace File True An XML formatted export of the analysis program is expected (e.g. an xml format of a FlowJo .jo or .wsp file). The file size name limit is 240 characters.
Comments False Comments captures additional descriptive information.