
AFU Arbitrary Fluorescence Units
AI Antibody Index
Antibody titer Antibody titer is a titer of antibody that shows how much antibody an organism has produced that recognizes a particular epitope, expressed as the greatest dilution ratio (or its reciprocal) that still gives a positive result. ELISA is a common means of determining antibody titers.
Arithmetic Mean Fluorescence Intensity Unit (aMFI) Arithmetic Mean Fluorescence Intensity Unit
AU/ml Unit of measure of potency of allergenic product expressed as a number of allergy units per one milliliter of formulation.
BCLC Stage A stage for hepatocellular carcinoma defined according to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) criteria.
Beats per Minute The number of heartbeats measured per minute time.
Body Mass Index Finding The result of a body mass index measurement. [Definition Source: NCI]
Boolean The type of an expression with two possible values, "true" and "false".
Breaths per Minute The number of breaths (inhalation and exhalation) taken per minute time.
C Celsius
Capsule Dosing Unit A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) contained in a capsule.
categorical Categorical data are types of data which may be divided into groups.
cells cell count
cells/kg body weight Cells per kg body weight
cells/ml A unit of cell concentration expressed in cells per unit of volume equal to one milliliter.
cells/ul A unit of cell concentration expressed as a number of cells per unit volume equal to one microliter.
CFU/ml A derived unit of viable cell concentration defined as the number of colony forming units in one milliliter of substance
cm A basic unit of length in the former CGS version of metric system, equal to one hundredth of a meter or approximately 0.393 700 787 inch.
Count Determining the number or amount of something.
Cq Threshold cycle (or Ct or Cq) is a count which is defined as the fractional PCR cycle number at which the reporter fluorescence is greater than the threshold in the context of the RT-qPCR assay.
Ct Threshold cycle (or Ct or Cq) is a count which is defined as the fractional PCR cycle number at which the reporter fluorescence is greater than the threshold in the context of the RT-qPCR assay.
Day The time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours, equal to 86 400 seconds. This also refers to a specific day.
Delta Ct Difference between the target gene and the reference gene.
Delta Delta Ct Difference between the Delta Ct target gene of the treated sample and the Delta Ct of the target gene of the untreated sample.
DK units/ml The NIDDK calibrators were tested together with dilutions of the WHO reference serum using harmonized assays on five occasions in the BDC, Bristol, and Munich laboratories and reported as WHO units/ml by calibration as previously described. For each of the NIDDK calibrators, the median value of the WHO units/ml obtained for the 15 measurements was assigned as its calibrator unit. The assigned units were termed digestive and kidney units (DK units)/ml.
Donor Information Information about the donor.
Dose A quantity of an agent (such as substance or energy) administered, taken, or absorbed at one time.
F Fahrenheit
FPKM Fragments Per Kilobase Million: Normalized expression value of a given gene as measured by paired-end RNA sequencing
g/dl A unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one gram of a substance per unit volume of the mixture equal to one deciliter (100 milliliters). The concept also refers to the metric unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined as the density of substance which mass equal to one gram occupies the volume one deciliter.
g/l grams per liter
Gender Characteristics of people that are socially constructed, including norms, behaviors, and roles based on sex. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time. (Adapted from WHO.)
Geometric Mean Fluorescence Intensity Unit (gMFI) A unit of measure for the geometric mean fluorescence intensity.
gm gram
Grade A position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality.
Gy A SI derived unit of absorbed radiation dose. One gray is equal to an absorbed dose of one joule per kilogram of matter, or to 100 rads.
HAU hemagglutination units
Hour A unit measure of time equal to 3,600 seconds or 60 minutes. It is approximately 1/24 of a median day.
in A traditional unit of length equal to 1/12 of a foot or 2.54 centimeters.
IU The unitage assigned by the WHO to International Biological Standards - substances, classed as biological according to the criteria provided by WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (e.g. hormones, enzymes, and vaccines), to enable the results of biological and immunological assay procedures to be expressed in the same way throughout the world. The definition of an international unit is generally arbitrary and technical, and has to be officially approved by the International Conference for Unification of Formulae.
iu/l Unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologic activity concentration) defined as the concentration of one international unit per one liter of the system volume.
IU/ml A unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologic activity concentration) defined as the concentration of one international unit per one milliliter of system volume.
K Kelvin
Kallikrein Inactivator Unit per Milliliter An arbitrary unit of a kallikrein inactivator concentration equal to the concentration at which one milliliter of the mixture contains one unit of the kallikrein inactivator.
kg A basic SI unit of mass. It is defined as the mass of an international prototype in the form of a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sevres in France. A kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams and 2.204 622 6 pounds.
kg/m2 Kilogram per Square Meter, the SI derived unit of spread rate of a substance by mass, used also as a measure of area density and as a dose calculation unit.
l The non-SI unit of volume accepted for use with the SI. One liter is equal to cubic decimeter, or one thousandth of cubic meter, or 1000 cubic centimeters, or approximately 61.023 744 cubic inches.
L/sec Liter per Second: A metric unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate at which one liter of matter crosses a given surface during the period of time equal to one second.
m A unit of linear measure in the metric system, one of the seven base units of the International System of Units (Systeme International d'Unites, SI). A meter is defined as the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second and is equal to 1.093 61 yards. [Definition Source: NCI]
Mean Fluorescence Intensity Unit (MFI,FIU) A unit of measure for the mean fluorescence intensity (when the mathematic calculation is unspecified or unknown).
Median Fluorescence Intensity Unit (MdFI) A unit of measure equal to the median fluorescence intensity of a log-normal distribution of fluorescence signals.
MFI at 90th percentile Mean Fluorescence Intensity at 90th Percentile. MFI : A unit of measure equal to the geometric mean fluorescence intensity of a log-normal distribution of fluorescence signals.
mg milligram
mg/dl A unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one milligram of a substance in unit volume of the mixture equal to one cubic deciliter or 100 cubic centimeters. It is also a unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined as the density of substance which mass equal to one milligram occupies the volume one cubic deciliter or 100 cubic centimeters.
mg/l A metric unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one gram of a substance per unit volume of the mixture equal to one cubic meter. The concept also refers to the metric unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined as the density of a substance which mass equal to one gram occupies the volume of one cubic meter.
mg/ml microgram per milliliter
Milligram per Kilogram A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number of milligrams of substance per kilogram of mixture. The unit is also used as a dose calculation unit. Has exact synonym: Attogram per Picogram; Milligram/Kilogram; Yoctogram per Attogram; milligram per kilogram; fg/ng; Femtogram per Nanogram; ng/mg; milligram(s)/kilogram; pg/mcg; ag/pg; Microgram per Gram; Nanogram per Milligram; Zeptogram per Femtogram; mcg/g; yg/ag; Picogram per Microgram; mg/kg; ug/g; zg/fg; Milligram per Kilogram; pg/ug; mg/kilo
miu/ml Unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologic activity concentration) defined as the concentration of one international unit per one liter of the system volume.
ml milliliter
mL/min Milliliter per Minute: A metric unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate at which one milliliter of matter crosses a given surface during the period of time equal to one minute.
mL/min/(173/100).m2 Milliliter per Minute per 1.73 m2 of Body Surface Area: A unit used in the calculation of a rate of the substance removal from the body (such as creatinine clearance) for the measurement of renal excretory function, with the applied correction factor for body size. It is also used as a dose delivery rate calculation unit equal to the rate, at which one milliliter of medication is delivered during a period of time equal to one minute per 1.73 square meters of body surface area.
mL/min/mmHg Milliliter per Minute per Millimeters of Mercury: A unit for measuring a pulmonary diffusing capacity expressed in units of gas flow rate (in milliliters per minute) per a unit of pressure (in torrs).
mm A metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter (10E-3 meter) or approximately 0.03937 inch. [Definition Source: NCI]
mmHg Millimeter of Mercury: A non-SI unit of pressure equal to 133,332 Pa or 1.316E10-3 standard atmosphere. Use of this unit is generally deprecated by ISO and IUPAC.
MOI multiplicity of infection
Month One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar. It corresponds to the unit of time of approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, about 30 days or 4 weeks.
Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory A 20-item self-report instrument designed to measure fatigue. It covers the following dimensions: General Fatigue, Physical Fatigue, Mental Fatigue, Reduced Motivation and Reduced Activity.
ng nanogram
ng/dl A unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one nanogram of a substance per unit volume of the mixture equal to one deciliter. The concept also refers to the unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined as the density of substance which mass equal to one nanogram occupies the volume of one deciliter.
ng/ml nanogram per milliliter
ng/nl nanogram per nanoliter
ng/ul nanogram per microliter
nl nanoliter
nM nanomolar
Normalized Fluorescence Intensity Unit A relative fluorescence intensity unit that is adjusted to a reference standard.
Not Specified No value provided. Not stated explicitly or in detail.
NPX NPX, Normalized Protein eXpression, is Olink's arbitrary unit which is in Log2 scale. It is calculated from Ct values and data pre-processing (normalization) is performed to minimize both intra- and inter-assay variation. NPX data allows users to identify changes for individual protein levels across their sample set, and then use this data to establish protein signatures. The NPX scale is inverted compared to that of Ct. This means that a high NPX value equals a high protein concentration. Because NPX is in a log2 scale, a 1 NPX difference means a doubling of protein concentration. If needed NPX values can be converted into linear scale: 2^NPX= linear NPX.
Number of Episodes A measurement of the total number of events that have occurred.
optical density The measurement of the light transmitted through a sample for a given wavelength. [database_cross_reference: ISBN:038733341X]
percentage A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as the denominator. e.g. percentage of a cell population of interest within a parent population
PFU Plaque-forming unit. A measure of viable infectious entities (e.g. viral particles or group of particles) in the specimen or product defined as the smallest quantity that can produce a cytopathic effect in the host cell culture challenged with the defined inoculum, visible under the microscope and/or to the naked eye as a plaque. A number of plaque forming units (PFU) per unit volume is a conventional way to refer the titer of an infective entity in a specimen or preparation.
PFUe Plaque-forming unit equivalents
pg picogram
pg/mg creatinine Protein/Creatinine [Ratio] in Urine
pg/ml picogram per milliliter
pg/nl picogram per nanoliter
pg/ul picogram per microliter
pl picoliter
pM picomolar
Point A numeric unit used to quantify a score.
Pound The traditional unit of mass. By international agreement, one avoirdupois pound is equal to exactly 0.453 592 37 kilogram, 16 ounces, or 1.215 28 troy pounds.
Ratio Quotient of quantities of the same kind for different components within the same system.
Relative Fluorescence Intensity Unit A unit of measurement that estimates the size or amount of material in a sample by normalizing its luminescence to that of a reference standard.
RPKM Reads Per Kilobase Million: Normalized expression value of a given gene as measured by single-end RNA sequencing
Scale An ordered reference standard used to measure incremental changes.
Schirmer Test Wetting A test used to determine the amount of tears collected on a filter paper strip in 5 minutes.
Score A number or range of numeric values measuring performance, function, quality, or ability.
stim/unstim fold change Fold change comparing stimulated vs unstimulated sample
TCID50 mean tissue culture infective dose
titer A titer (or titre) is a measure of concentration. Titer testing employs serial dilution to obtain approximate quantitative information from an analytical procedure that inherently only evaluates as positive or negative. The titer corresponds to the highest dilution factor that still yields a positive reading; for example, positive readings in the first 8 serial twofold dilutions translate into a titer of 1:256.
TPM Transcripts per million reads- Measurement of mRNA abundance using RNA-seq data
ug microgram
ug/dl A unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one microgram of a substance per unit volume of the mixture equal to one deciliter. The concept also refers to the unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined as the density of substance which mass equal to one microgram occupies the volume one deciliter.
ug/kg Microgram per Kilogram: A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number of micrograms of substance per kilogram of mixture. The unit is also used as a dose calculation unit.
ug/l A unit of mass concentration defined as the concentration of one microgram of a substance per unit volume of the mixture equal to one liter. The concept also refers to the unit of mass density (volumetric mass) defined as the density of a substance which mass equal to one microgram occupies the volume of one liter.
ug/ml microgram per milliliter
ug/ul microgram per microliter
ugEq/g Microgram Equivalents Per Gram: A concentration unit measured as a number of microgram equivalents per gram of substance.
uiu/ml Unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologic activity concentration) defined as the concentration of one millionth of international unit per one milliliter of system volume.
ul microliter
uM micromolar
umol/l A unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to one one-millionth of a mole (10E-6 mole) of solute per one liter of solution.
Unit per Gram An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed in unit(s) per gram.
units/ml Enzyme Unit per Milliliter. Unit of catalytic activity concentration defined as activity equal to one enzyme unit per one milliliter of system volume.
Week Any period of seven consecutive days.
Year A period of time that it takes for Earth to make a complete revolution around the sun, approximately 365 days; a specific one year period.
Yes, No, or Unknown Response A response or indicator that can have a value of yes, no, or unknown.