
Name protocols.txt
Type single
Schema Version 3.36
Description The protocol template defines and annotates protocol documents that are to be linked to study, subjects, biological samples or experiments.
Template ColumnRequiredDescription
User Defined ID True The protocol user defined ID is an identifier chosen by the data provider to refer to a protocol document. This ID may be referenced by other data records (e.g. study). The user defined ID is not shared.
File Name True The protocol file name in this column must be an exact spelling match to a file in the ZIP archive that is uploaded. This includes the file extensions which may be hidden depending upon your computer's settings. The file size name limit is 240 characters.
Name True The protocol name is not referenced by other data records.
Type True The protocol type uses a preferred list of terms to characterize the protocol's content.
Description False The summary is a brief description of the protocol's content.