Lookup Tables
The lookup tables or commonly referred to as controlled vocabulary tables are used in ImmPort as part of the data harmonization process. Many of the values in these tables are linked to Ontology defined terms. The following endpoints can be used to return the contents of these tables. Content is returned in JSON or TSV format. These endpoints do not require an ImmPort Access token.
BASE URL = https://www.dev.immport.org/data/query//api/lookup/
Table | Description | BASE URL + EndPoint | Example |
lk_adverse_event_severity | List of adverse event severities | lkAdverseEventSeverity |
lkAdverseEventSeverity?format=json lkAdverseEventSeverity?format=tsv |
lk_age_event | List of age events | lkAgeEvent |
lkAgeEvent?format=json lkAgeEvent?format=tsv |
lk_analyte | List of analytes | lkAnalyte |
lkAnalyte?format=json lkAnalyte?format=tsv |
lk_ancestral_population | List of ancestral populations | lkAncestralPopulation |
lkAncestralPopulation?format=json lkAncestralPopulation?format=tsv |
lk_cell_population | List of cell populations | lkCellPopulation |
lkCellPopulation?format=json lkCellPopulation?format=tsv |
lk_cell_population_marker | List of cell population markers | lkCellPopulationMarker |
lkCellPopulationMarker?format=json lkCellPopulationMarker?format=tsv |
lk_compound_role | List of compound roles | lkCompoundRole |
lkCompoundRole?format=json lkCompoundRole?format=tsv |
lk_criterion_category | List of criterion categories | lkCriterionCategory |
lkCriterionCategory?format=json lkCriterionCategory?format=tsv |
lk_data_completeness | List of data completion levels | lkDataCompleteness |
lkDataCompleteness?format=json lkDataCompleteness?format=tsv |
lk_disease | List of diseases | lkDisease |
lkDisease?format=json lkDisease?format=tsv |
lk_disease_stage | List of disease stages | lkDiseaseStage |
lkDiseaseStage?format=json lkDiseaseStage?format=tsv |
lk_ethnicity | List of ethnicities | lkEthnicity |
lkEthnicity?format=json lkEthnicity?format=tsv |
lk_exp_measurement_tech | List of experiment assay types | lkExpMeasurementTech |
lkExpMeasurementTech?format=json lkExpMeasurementTech?format=tsv |
lk_exposure_material | List of exposure materials | lkExposureMaterials |
lkExposureMaterial?format=json lkExposureMaterial?format=tsv |
lk_exposure_process | List of exposure process | lkExposureProcees |
lkExposureProcess?format=json lkExposureProcess?format=tsv |
lk_expsample_result_schema | List of result types | lkExpsampleResultSchema |
lkExpsampleResultSchema?format=json lkExpsampleResultSchema?format=tsv |
lk_file_detail | List of file detail types | lkFileDetail |
lkFileDetail?format=json lkFileDetail?format=tsv |
lk_gender | List of genders | lkGender |
lkSex?format=json lkSex?format=tsv |
lk_Hmdb | List of metabolites (Mass Spectrometry) | lkHmdb |
lkHmdb?format=json lkHmdb?format=tsv |
lk_lab_test_name | List of lab test names | lkLabTestName |
lkLabTestName?format=json lkLabTestName?format=tsv |
lk_lab_test_panel_name | List of lab test panel names | lkLabTestPanelName |
lkLabTestPanelName?format=json lkLabTestPanelName?format=tsv |
lk_locus_name | List of locus names | lkLocusName |
lkLocusName?format=json lkLocusName?format=tsv |
lk_mass_spectrometry_type | List of mass spectrometry types | lkMassSpectrometryType |
lkMassSpectrometryType?format=json lkMassSpectrometryType?format=tsv |
lk_organization | List of organizations | lkOrganization |
lkOrganization?format=json lkOrganization?format=tsv |
lk_personnel_role | List of roles | lkPersonnelRole |
lkPersonnelRole?format=json lkPersonnelRole?format=tsv |
lk_plate_type | List of plate types | lkPlateType |
lkPlateType?format=json lkPlateType?format=tsv |
lk_protein_name | List of protein names | lkProteinName |
lkProteinName?format=json lkProteinName?format=tsv |
lk_protocol_type | List of protocol types | lkProtocolType |
lkProtocolType?format=json lkProtocolType?format=tsv |
lk_public_repository | List of public repositories | lkPublicRepository |
lkPublicRepository?format=json lkPublicRepository?format=tsv |
lk_race | List of races | lkRace |
lkRace?format=json lkRace?format=tsv |
lk_reagent_type | List of reagent types | lkReagentType |
lkReagentType?format=json lkReagentType?format=tsv |
lk_research_focus | List of categories for research focus | lkResearchFocus |
lkResearchFocus?format=json lkResearchFocus?format=tsv |
lk_sample_type | List of sample types | lkSampleType |
lkSampleType?format=json lkSampleType?format=tsv |
lk_source_type | List of source types | lkSourceType |
lkSourceType?format=json lkSourceType?format=tsv |
lk_species | List of species | lkSpecies |
lkSpecies?format=json lkSpecies?format=tsv |
lk_study_file_type | List of file types | lkStudyFileType |
lkStudyFileType?format=json lkStudyFileType?format=tsv |
lk_study_panel | List of study panels (UI) | lkStudyPanel |
lkStudyPanel?format=json lkStudyPanel?format=tsv |
lk_subject_location | List of geographic locations | lkSubjectLocation |
lkSubjectLocation?format=json lkSubjectLocation?format=tsv |
lk_t0_event | List of time zero events | lkT0Event |
lkT0Event?format=json lkT0Event?format=tsv |
lk_time_unit | List of time units | lkTimeUnit |
lkTimeUnit?format=json lkTimeUnit?format=tsv |
lk_transcript_type | List of transcript types | lkTranscriptType |
lkTranscriptType?format=json lkTranscriptType?format=tsv |
lk_unit_of_measure | List of units of measure | lkUnitOfMeasure |
lkUnitOfMeasure?format=json lkUnitOfMeasure?format=tsv |
lk_user_role_type | List of roles for a user | lkUserRoleType |
lkUserRoleType?format=json lkUserRoleType?format=tsv |
lk_virus_strain | List of virus strains | lkVirusStrain |
lkVirusStrain?format=json lkVirusStrain?format=tsv |