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System Architecture and Software Design Specification

Requirements and Design

The System Architecture and Software Design Specification (SASDS) v.7.0 defines the overall architecture and software design for the ImmPort system as of October 2023. The SASDS addresses hardware, software, and database design.
The System Architecture and Software Design Specification (SASDS) v.7.0

ImmPort Data Model

An interactive graphic of the ImmPort Data Model is available. Click on image to view.
A diagram illustrates the relationships between various components in a study context. The central node is labeled 'Study' and is connected to multiple nodes representing different aspects and elements of a study. To the left, the 'Study' node branches out to: 'Period' (orange), 'Inclusion/Exclusion' (orange), 'Arm or Cohort' (green), 'Subject' (green), 'Planned Visit' (orange), 'Biosample' (green), 'Assessment Panel' (purple), 'Lab Test Panel' (purple), 'Protocol' (red), 'Treatment' (cyan), 'ExpSample' (cyan), 'Reagent' (yellow), 'Experiment' (purple), 'Control Sample' (purple), 'Standard Curve' (purple), 'Study File' (orange), 'Study Pubmed' (orange), 'Study Link' (orange), and 'Study Personnel' (orange). To the right, the 'Study' node is indirectly connected to various ontologies and databases through intermediary nodes. These include: 'Immune Exposure' (green), 'Intervention' (green), 'Adverse Event' (purple), 'Assessment Component' (purple), 'Lab Test' (purple), 'Clinical Measurement Ontology' (grey), '' (grey), 'ELISA' (brown), 'ELISPOT' (brown), 'Flow Cytometry' (brown), 'Mass Cytometry' (brown), 'Gene Expression' (brown), 'Genotyping' (brown), 'HAI Result' (brown), 'HLA Typing Result' (brown), 'KIR Typing Result' (brown), 'Luminex/MBAA' (brown), 'Metabolomics' (brown), 'Neutralizing Antibody Titer' (brown), 'Other' (brown), 'Proteomics' (brown), 'Disease Ontology' (grey), 'Vaccine Ontology' (grey), 'Uberon Anatomy Ontology' (grey), 'Cell Ontology' (grey), 'Protein Ontology' (grey), 'Gene Ontology' (grey), 'IPD-IMGT/HLA' (grey), 'NCBI Taxonomy' (grey), and 'Ontology Biomedical Investigation' (grey). Each node is color-coded based on its category, such as orange for study components, green for subject-related elements, purple for assessment-related elements, red for protocol, cyan for treatment, yellow for reagents, brown for various tests, and grey for ontologies and databases.